On 21 – 23 November, 2012 over 60 orphanage directors and foster care managers from 34 child welfare institutions, 22 provinces and cities throughout China met together to launch our 20 new national family placement projects. It was an exciting two-days of talks and discussions to usher in this new phase of family placement care in China.

Key leaders from government and child welfare agencies were present to open the meetings as well as provide their reflections on the development of foster care in China. It was exciting for us to have our 14-year partnership with the government reaffirmed and to recognise the achievements made to improve the lives of orphaned and abandoned children across China.
There was a real energy and synergy to small group discussions on how to take foster care in China forward. Delegates voiced their on-going commitment to strengthening the quality of care orphaned and abandoned children in China receive.

It was an encouraging start to these new projects! Please continue with us on this journey to place children into families they can call their own!