This October, Care for Children conducted family visits in Southern China. We sent a team to the rural province of Guangxi in order to gauge the development of family placement in the region.

Visiting Daxing village in particular was hugely encouraging for our team, as we found out that a large part of the community have opened their homes to orphaned and disadvantaged children.
One of our staff members remarked that, 'on one particular street it seemed as if every household had introduced a child from the state run orphanage into their family'.

The community did not stop here though. A special needs resource centre was built specifically to aid many of these children. The centre ensures that the once orphaned children, many with special needs requirements are able to continue living with their families in Daxing village, rather than relocate back to the regional state-run orphanage.
It was truly inspirational to see Daxing's community working as a collective. This village is a brilliant demonstration of what happens when families and communities come together to ensure every child has a family. Care for Children's training is essential for helping move these children into families in the first place and keeping them in families in the long run, but the real heros are the mums and dads that welcome these children into their families. We were bowled over by the generosity of those families in Daxing village and our team continue to work hard to ensure communities like this all over China are rising up to the challenge of caring for orphaned and abandoned children in their local area.

The community engagement displayed in Daxing village brings us one positive step closer to our vision of seeing a million children placed into local, loving families.
Thank you for all your support. If you have any questions about Care for Children and our China Project, please don't hesitate to reach out at