Family Fun Day Success
3 July 2017

On Saturday July 1st, to celebrate the launch of our new project in Vietnam, we hosted a free Family Fun Day in Heigham Park, Norwich. The event saw over 400 people head to the park to enjoy a range of family-friendly activities, including face-painting, bouncy castle, football, crafting, cake decorating and outdoor games. We had a lot of really lovely feedback from the families who attended – look out for the date of next year’s summer event!
If you attended the event and would like to make a donation, you can do so here:
Alternatively, you can donate via text by texting CFUN01 with your amount (£2, £5, £10) to 70070. For example, to donate £5 to Care for Children you would text ‘CFUN01 £5’ to 70070.

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Cambodia Project Launched
13 January 2022
Care for Children officially launches Cambodia project during a signing ceremony with the Ministry of social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.