In November 2019, at a USB Optimus Foundation organised event in London, Care for Children Founder, Robert Glover spoke movingly about the impact of institutional care on children in a panellist session titled ‘children living outside of families’. It was here he met Greek Philanthropist Alexander Nicolaides. Following their meeting Alexander contacted Robert and invited him to present the first ever screening of Care for Children’s documentary ‘Children of Shanghai’ in Greece.
The screening was held on 5th March at the Grand Municipal Theatre of Piraeus, Athens, and hosted prestigious guests such as Dr Domna Michailidou, the Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, and Care for Children’s Royal Patron, HRH Prince Michael of Kent. Care for Children’s trustee, Nicholas Chance was also present and integral to the organisation of the event.
The event aimed to showcase Care for Children’s work to influential government officials and decision-makers present at the screening, and further demonstrate the success of its family placement model.
Dr Domna Michailidou expressed what a success she felt the screening to be:
“The documentary ‘Children of Shanghai’ showcases how the love of a caring family can transform the life of a child. We all stand united in order to find a family for every single child.”
Educated in the UK, the Minister plays an essential role in shaping policies and programmes related to child welfare, social protection, and labour market issues in Greece. As a key figure in the Greek government, her involvement was deeply appreciated. Her support and insights will be instrumental in any further collaboration between Care for Children and the Greek government.

Care for Children’s Royal Patron Prince Michael of Kent had a particular reason for attending this screening, due to his personal ties to Greece and the Greek royal family. The Prince felt extremely positive about the screening:
“The documentary Children of Shanghai really helps you see the benefit of family care as an alternative to institutions.”
Care for children’s trustee, Nicholas Chance, also reflected on the success of the screening and the potential for further collaboration in Greece:
“The screening of Children of Shanghai acted as a stimulus to start wider discussions on the issue of family placement amongst social welfare professionals and others in Greece. It was well received.”