Raising awareness about the need for family-based care is vital. To help spread this important message, we invite you to host a screening of the inspiring documentary 'Children of Shanghai', narrated by Bear Grylls. This powerful film tells the extraordinary story of China's first generation of foster children, highlighting their journey from growing up in orphanages to successful careers in technology, finance, tourism, arts, and sports.
'Children of Shanghai' not only showcases the professional success of these young individuals but also features heartwarming reunions with their foster parents, who recount the challenges they faced in helping these children overcome prejudice and developmental difficulties. The documentary also recounts the incredible journey of Robert Glover and his wife Elizabeth who, in 1998, moved from the UK to China with their six young children to support the Chinese government's transition to family-based care.
'Children of Shanghai' has been screened globally and has helped us expand our network significantly. We encourage you to view this inspiring documentary at your own leisure on Sky or Discovery. Alternatively, if you would like to host a screening for a larger audience, you can do so at a venue of your choice, such as your church, workplace, or at home with friends and family. By sharing this film within your networks, you can raise awareness about the importance of family care for orphans and vulnerable children and highlight the ongoing need for millions of children worldwide to find a loving family.
To find out more about hosting a screening, please email us at . We will provide you with all the necessary information and resources to make your event a success. Join us in sharing this extraordinary story and celebrating the incredible resilience and potential of children.