Thailand Project signs new Partnership Agreement
28 January 2019
Project Agreement Signing Ceremony between the Department of Children and Youth, Ministry of Social Development and Human Security and Care for Children, for the National Foster Care Project
On January 25th a new three-year Project Agreement was signed in Bangkok between the Department of Children and Youth (DCY) in the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security (MSDHS) and Care for Children to launch the third of four project stages to see family-based (foster) care implemented as a positive alternative to institutional care for orphaned and vulnerable children in Thailand.
The first two project stages (2012 - 2018) focussed on developing and delivering a national foster care training programme in Thailand, and which has successfully established a strong foundation of foster care knowledge amongst orphanage staff, social workers, and both national and local government authorities. 50% of all government-run welfare homes are now running foster care programmes in their local communities.

“At Care for Children, we recognise that Thailand continues to lead the way in family placement care in South East Asia, and we have every confidence in your success as we enter this critical next stage of our partnership.”
Dr Robert Glover OBE, Care for Children Founder & Executive Director
With this strong foundation in place, this new Project Agreement sets out a plan that includes a training programme for local government authorities and agencies, together with a national media campaign, to raise awareness of the opportunity to foster care across the country.
The goal of the next three years is to ensure that foster care is successfully implemented as a sustainable alternative to institutional care in the Thai child welfare system, allowing many more thousands of orphaned and abandoned children to have the opportunity to grow up in loving, local families.
“I am delighted and impressed by the concerted efforts of Care For Children and their work with the government, and with the signing of the third Project Agreement, the work will expand to create a greater awareness among society.””
Mrs Teppawan Pornawalai, Deputy General for the Department of Children and Youth
“As part of the Project Agreement we signed today, we have agreed to work together on a national multi-media campaign to raise awareness of foster care. We are looking at launching this campaign in November this year, and which we are really excited about, so watch this space!”
Thomas Abbott, Regional Manager SE Asia
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