There is nothing like seeing love in action. The Thai training team have spent the last few months travelling to five child welfare homes and teaching participants:
• how to prepare children for foster care
• how to support foster parents and
• how to monitor children who are being fostered
As most of the participants have never visited a foster family, the training team thought it would be a good experience for them to leave the classroom behind for an afternoon and go on a field trip to meet the champions who change children’s lives. The family they visited had only been fostering for a month and already you could see that their foster son felt right at home. He wrapped his arms around his foster mother and giggled with delight. As she drew him in closer, she couldn’t wait to share stories with the orphanage staff about how well he was doing and how much joy he was bringing her family. One of his former nannies said, “I never saw his smile that big when he lived in the orphanage”.