This year marks the 20th Anniversary for Care For Children. We have come a long way. More than 400,000 children have been placed in loving families. Thousands of social workers have been given professional training and support to relocate children into appropriate families. Let’s not forget the hundreds of thousands of foster parents trained to raise their children in a loving and generous way. Care For Children has strived and will continue to strive to improve the welfare of children who are placed in institutions yearning for the love of a family. One of the way we do this is by supporting The Justice Conference Asia. Through this conference we are giving these children a voice, raising awareness in Hong Kong and other countries to help us find one million children a loving family to call their own.
This is what The Justice Conference Asia is about. It is a place where people who are fighting for justice in society gather together to encourage, inspire, and support each other. It is a yearly two-day event where we come together to have our hopes renewed, our faith in humanity restored and our weary hearts rejuvenated by connecting with like-minded people who are passionate about ushering justice bringing restoration to the marginalised. There will always be that to-do list we have to check off and the errands we need to run, but it is so valuable to take a day off and be reminded of why we are striving day in and out, and to have our fire for justice rekindled.
Care for Children wouldn’t have come such a long way without the overwhelming support of a lot of people over the years, and by being a part of The Justice Conference Asia, we remind ourselves that we are not alone in this journey of ?ghting for the welfare of orphans, that we are part of a bigger picture in the restorative work in the world. The Justice Conference gives us a platform to come together and advocate for those who are destitute, poor and needy, and we are excited to be a part of it.