On Monday 8 June 2015 Care for Children will be launching a seven day virtual balloon race from the Great Wall of China.
How It Works
Firstly, there are no real balloons - you purchase balloons online, customise balloons online and watch the race online!
You must purchase and enter your balloons into the race by 11:00 am UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) on Monday 8th June 2015. Each balloon costs just £3 and you can buy more than one balloon to increase your chances of winning.
Then it's quite simple. We will release all the balloons from the Great Wall of China on Monday 8th June shortly after 11:00 am UTC. The wind will blow, the rain will pour and over one week the balloons will fly or fall.
Throughout the race, the event system will cleverly track where each balloon would have flown to according to the Yahoo Weather for the week. Will it fly far and wide or will it crash into the nearest hill?
During the race, you can login to your account and see your balloons flying over Google Maps and compare how they are fairing against your competitors?
There are three great prizes up for grabs for the three balloons that fly the furthest:
1st Place: Apple Store Gift Card (value £550)
2nd Place: Apple Store Gift Card (value £300)
3rd Place: Apple Store Gift Card (value £150)
Get Involved
Please buy our balloons, enter the race, spread the word via social media - share your balloons on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest - and actively encourage your family, friends and colleagues to join in the race.
For full event details please visit www.rabr.co.uk/careforchildren