Care for Children initiated a strategic partnership with the Thai government in 2012 after co-hosting a family placement conference in Chiang Mai in 2011.
Why we work in Thailand
In Thailand, there are an estimated 4,500 children growing up in the 29 government Child Welfare Homes, or orphanages, located across the country. Each week, hundreds more enter Emergency Shelters for Children and Families, which provide temporary emergency care for vulnerable children and from where children might be transferred to a more permanent Child Welfare Home.
What we do
Care for Children is working in partnership with the Ministry of Social Development and Human Security during the final stage of this project. As part of this stage, Care for Children's team in Thailand is delivering refresher training to Child Welfare Homes and Emergency Shelters for Children and Families across the country to reduce the unnecessary placement of children into institutions and prioritise family-based care for children already in institutions. Supported by the recent introduction of key government policies, this project aims to leave the work in the hands of an empowered and well trained local workforce.
What we've achieved:
Our expert training team has trained 4,567 child welfare staff.
Care for Children has trained 106 residential care institutions.
Care for Children has influenced the implementation of seven pieces of child welfare legislation.